A prism has the same cross-section across the entire length of its shape. When used in eyeglasses, they often correct...

High Order Aberrations
In an ideal world, everyone would have perfectly-shaped eyes. The reality, however, is that practically every eye has...

Ocular Migraine
The name conjures up pain, but ocular migraines are less about headaches and more about a vision problem. Ocular...

Optical filters carefully transfer light in a specific range of wavelengths or colors while obstructing what remains....

Rotation Trainers
Rotation trainers consist of a disk – with various designs – that is attached to a rod-like base. As the disk rotates,...

Myopia (Nearsightedness)
Myopia, commonly called nearsightedness, is a refractive error of the eye, meaning that the shape of the eye or its...

Accommodative Dysfunction
Simply put, accommodative dysfunction means that the eyes have difficulty focusing properly. Studies suggest that...

Saccadic Fixators
This entails a wall-mounted square board with a starburst design. Along the various striations of the starburst are...

Convergence Insufficiency
Convergence insufficiency is a relatively common eye condition that is typically diagnosed in childhood. A study of...

Directional Sequencers
This device integrates all of the senses used for learning. It is one of the basic instruments used for visual-motor...