Getting Used to Contacts
Contacts are a smart choice for individuals who are active and dislike the feeling of wearing glasses. However, the process of caring for contacts and getting used to them can take a week or two. Navigate the transition with ease by learning how to properly care for...
Are Specialty Contacts Dangerous?
Specialty contact lenses are a fun way to change your eyes to look like your favorite entertainer or to create a spectacular costume. Specialty contacts, sometimes called decorative, fashion or theater contact lenses, temporarily change the look of your eyes without...
Will I Need Reading Glasses?
According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), beginning approximately around the age of 40, most adults begin to experience age-related vision changes collectively known as presbyopia. The most common symptom first experienced by sufferers is usually an...
What’s in a Frame?
Finding a great looking eyeglass frame can be tough work. What looks good on you? Should you go with round lenses, or square? What should your frame be made out of? Choosing the material of your eyeglass frame is the first order of business, since that will narrow...